Last night's storm was a series of intermittent rain dumps, followed by brief respites of calm. So, yeah, the backyards flooded. And the pumps were out in force this morning. A new guy in the neighborhood got water in his basement, so he's p.o.'d. Turns out people aren't very forthcoming around here re: water getting into the house. "We had some once, but that was the only time." Liar liars.
We checked the rainfall levels and found there was 3.19 inches for Glenview, the closest town listed. And it wasn't a slow and steady rain, but a short, nasty load of wetness that unloaded several times.
And wait until you see the size of the house we watched going up last fall. The one that's sure to create even more water in our yards/window wells/basements. It's big. Really big. A footprint the size of Sasquatch. Watch. There will be some major water coming our way, whooshing down the hill from that place.